About us


Interventional Radiology Center

Full range of physical therapy services with our specialist physicians...

Transplantation Center

Our experienced and expert staff in organ transplantation prepares the...

IVF Center (In vitro fertilisation)

We Have Been Committed Building Families Since 1998… Başkent Universit...

Heart Center

We perform interventional cardiology procedures together with cardiova...

Contact With Us

+90 501 015 42 42

Medical Departmants

Our Hospital Services


Medical Genetics is the specialty that handles the diagnosis, follow up and treatment of hereditary diseases o...


Medical Genetics is the specialty that handles the diagnosis, follow up and treatment of hereditary diseases o...


Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Cardiology: Başkent University Pediatric Cardiology Department is a center for referal of the cardiac from all over the country.

Interventional Radiology

If it is a situation requiring operation, the surgery would be planned immediately. Emergency surgical interventions are performed in cases of; Torsion of the reproductive organs (disruption of blood flow), foreign body aspiration, intestinal obstruction, stranded hernia, life threatening organ injuries.


Obstetric and Gynecology Perinatology (Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Our department provides high level services for the diagnosis, follow up and treatment of all the medical problems of high risk pregnancies and babies.

Oral Surgery

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Diagnosis, routine tooth extraction and simple surgical applications are performed in our polyclinic. Broader surgical interventions such as; embedded tooth extractions, preparation surgery for dentures, implant, advanced implant surgeries, bone and gingival grafts (patch) are applied in our operating rooms.

Diagnoses and Treatments

Meet Our Doctors

Heart Cancer

Heart cancer results from a heart tumor like angiosarcoma or another cancer that spreads to the heart. This rare cancer causes heart failure, pericarditis and arrhythmias. Cancer can spread to the heart from organs or through the blood (leukemia). Ch....

Cardiac Asthma

Cardiac asthma has nothing to do with inhaled irritants. Instead, it comes from a heart condition that makes fluid collect in your lungs, making you cough and wheeze. To treat cardiac asthma, your healthcare provider may give you medicines or recomme....

Cardiac Arrest

During cardiac arrest, an electrical problem makes your heart stop pumping blood to your body. Without blood flowing, you become unconscious and don’t have a pulse. Cardiac arrest, or sudden cardiac arrest, can be fatal in minutes. ....


Inpatient Capacity


Happy Patients


Doctors and Nurses


Experience Years

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Our Latest News

Başkent Unıversıty Konya Applıcatıon And Research Center Partıcıpated In The Interactıve Pedıatrıc Congress In Tangıer, Morocco

Başkent Unıversıty Konya Applıcatıon And Research Center Partıcıpated In The Interactıve Pedıatrıc Congress In Tangıer, Morocco

Başkent University Konya Hospital participated as a guest in the 20th Interactive Pediatrics Congress held in Tangier, M...

Pediatric Cardiology Medicine Symposium of Baghdad Ibn-i El Beldi Hospital.

Pediatric Cardiology Medicine Symposium of Baghdad Ibn-i El Beldi Hospital.

Başkent University Konya Application and Research Center participated in the Pediatric Cardiology Medicine Symposium of ...

Stem Cell Application Center offers new hopes to patients with its studies in the field of stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Application Center offers new hopes to patients with its studies in the field of stem cell therapy.

Baskent University Konya Application and Research Center, Stem Cell Application Center offers new hopes to patients with...
