Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes unwanted fat deposits from your body. If you’ve tried diet and exercise, but the fat won’t budge, liposuction can help. The procedure gives you a smoother body shape. Liposuction surgery isn’t a weight-loss procedure.
What is liposuction? Liposuction is a cosmetic fat removal procedure. It can permanently remove fat cells (adipocytes) that store fat from a particular section of your body that you want to improve. Liposuction helps get rid of fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Other names for liposuction are lipoplasty or “lipo.”
Where on my body can I get liposuction? You can have a liposuction procedure anywhere on your body where you have deposits of fat. Some of the most common areas of your body include your: Abdomen, stomach or waist. Hips or “love handles” (flank). Back or chest. Face, cheeks, chin or neck. Buttocks. Inner knee, calves or ankles. Thighs. Upper arms.
Who is a candidate for liposuction?
Candidates for liposuction should meet certain requirements to make sure their procedure is effective and safe. Candidates who qualify for a liposuction procedure include:
- Adults with an average or slightly above-average weight.
- People who have firm skin with elasticity (high in the elastin protein) and a good muscle tone.
- Adults who have good overall health.
- People who have pockets of fat that don’t respond well to diet and exercise.
- Nonsmokers.
- People with realistic goals for the outcome of the procedure.
These are common qualifications that healthcare providers evaluate before recommending treatment. Your provider will let you know if liposuction is right for you.
Who might not be a candidate for liposuction?
Certain factors could cause a liposuction procedure to be unsuccessful or pose a threat to your overall health. You might not be a candidate for liposuction if you:
- Are underweight.
- Have a BMI over 25.
- Have a serious, life-threatening health condition or a condition that can make healing difficult.
- Have unrealistic expectations for the procedure.
- Have poor skin quality.
- Liposuction alone can’t improve saggy, loose skin. This is common after significant weight loss. If your goal is to get rid of loose skin, your healthcare provider might recommend liposuction along with excess skin removal.
Can older adults get liposuction?
Age usually isn’t a factor that your provider needs to consider when discussing liposuction. However, people over the age of 65 may have skin that’s less firm or has lost some elasticity.
Can men get liposuction?
Yes. People of any sex can undergo liposuction. For men or people assigned male at birth, healthcare providers may recommend liposuction to treat some types of gynecomastia or enlarged male breast tissue.
Why is liposuction done?
You might consider having a liposuction procedure if you:
- Tried dieting and exercising for several years and certain areas of your body don’t respond or refuse to shrink naturally.
- Want to smooth out fatty bulges on your body.
- Want a permanent body modification.
- Can dedicate four to six weeks for your body to recover after surgery.
Can liposuction help with obesity?
Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss solution and it doesn’t treat excess weight or obesity. Most people choose to have a liposuction procedure to remove unwanted fat from certain parts of their body. Liposuction isn’t a full-body weight-loss method. While the treatment is permanent, your body can regrow fat where you had it removed.
Everyone’s body is unique. You might follow a nutritious diet and exercise regularly but still have trouble losing weight. If you have excess weight, talk to your healthcare provider about weight management treatment options to help you reach your goals.
How common is liposuction?
Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. In the United States, more than 200,000 liposuction procedures happen each year. Around the world, liposuction represents between 15% and 20% of all plastic surgeries.