Essential Tremor
Essential tremor is a movement disorder that causes uncontrollable shaking of your hands, arms and other body parts. This condition isn’t dangerous but can become severe enough to disrupt everyday activities. There are multiple ways to treat this condition, most of which aren’t necessary until you’ve had the condition for several years.
LIVING WITH How do I take care of myself? Essential tremor is a condition that starts with very mild symptoms, if they’re even noticeable at all, and progresses slowly. It usually takes years before the symptoms reach a point where it’s recommended to start a treatment. Even then, many people can choose not to receive treatment until their symptoms are more severe. The best things you can do to care for yourself include the following: Don’t be afraid to talk about your symptoms honestly. Many people feel embarrassed by this condition. Talking to your healthcare provider honestly about what you’re experiencing gives them the full picture of your condition, helping them treat you more effectively. See your healthcare provider as recommended. Follow-up visits with your healthcare provider can help with monitoring your condition. This lets them adjust medications as needed or offer you treatment alternatives that might work better. Take medication as prescribed. Medications can help reduce the symptoms of essential tremor, keeping this condition from disrupting your life as severely as it would without treatment. If your healthcare provider prescribes medication, you should take them exactly as prescribed. Some medications for essential tremor can have unpleasant or serious side effects if you stop taking them suddenly. That’s why it’s important not to stop them without first talking to your healthcare provider. Learn the things that make your tremors worse, and then avoid them. Essential tremor often gets worse when you’re tired, stressed, anxious or otherwise upset. Caffeine can also make the symptoms worse. Avoiding all of the above — whenever possible — can make a big difference in the symptoms you experience. Let technology help. Technology advancements mean there are new ways to help people with essential tremor. Some of the most important advances are in the form of adaptive devices, which can greatly benefit your quality of life and ability to live independently.
When should I see my healthcare provider, or when should I seek care?
You should schedule to see your healthcare provider if you start to have unexplained shaking or tremors. Your healthcare provider will schedule regular follow-up visits to monitor your condition and adjust treatments as necessary. You should see them as recommended because these visits are important in helping you minimize this condition’s disruptive effects.
When should I go to the ER?
Essential tremor isn’t a condition that directly threatens your health and well-being, so it’s unlikely that it will directly cause symptoms that need emergency medical care. However, you should talk to your doctor to find out if there are any possible reasons you might need emergency medical care. They can tell you what to watch for and what you need to do to take care of yourself if such problems occur.