Diagnoses and Treatments

hata: konyabaskenthospital<br>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pulvinar, nibh non feugiat sollicitudin, elit turpis suscipit diam, ut ultricies nibh augue vitae mauris. Donec nec quam ut nunc sollicitudin finibus in non tortor. Aenean elementum aliquet nunc, eget interdum risus. Quisque tempor mauris in felis maximus, sed scelerisque urna porta. Aenean facilisis urna sed convallis congue. Mauris nec nulla libero. Aliquam at venenatis elit.

Etiam efficitur nisi semper mattis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus ac feugiat velit, sit amet lacinia est. Aliquam faucibus purus vulputate velit pellentesque scelerisque. Vestibulum rutrum non nibh ac elementum. Nam ac mauris purus. Morbi nec suscipit nisl, ac scelerisque tortor. Aenean tempus leo lacus, in blandit lorem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent lacinia nibh at ex tempor porta. Donec ac efficitur lacus, et scelerisque libero. Mauris eget quam eu velit dictum ultrices. Maecenas et consequat mauris, vitae eleifend nisl. Duis maximus nisi nec iaculis faucibus. Sed placerat accumsan velit in congue. Nunc feugiat ex ut justo gravida, et lacinia ex feugiat.

Phasellus eget ipsum et orci ullamcorper congue. Fusce eu mollis lectus, quis sodales libero. Aliquam faucibus pellentesque est, vitae volutpat leo condimentum in. Phasellus sodales metus tortor, eu tempor ligula convallis in. Mauris tincidunt nisi sit amet ligula aliquet congue. Vestibulum eleifend feugiat lacus, ac egestas arcu pretium et. Sed quis nisl at lorem efficitur tempus. Aliquam ultrices consectetur cursus. Donec vitae cursus odio. Fusce eget blandit massa, quis efficitur mauris. Cras vel urna ut libero volutpat cursus. Vestibulum consequat vestibulum nibh, auctor euismod orci gravida in.

Phasellus ligula leo, pharetra vel erat nec, laoreet sagittis ligula. Duis varius magna at metus condimentum, eget efficitur ante dictum. Donec ultricies lectus erat, in tristique neque volutpat id. Fusce ac est pulvinar, finibus ligula vel, faucibus libero. Duis libero lacus, imperdiet et ante eget, dictum imperdiet dolor. Maecenas lacus ante, posuere vel lectus tincidunt, interdum suscipit elit. Cras auctor consectetur efficitur. Aenean eget erat facilisis, rhoncus lectus et, pharetra sapien. Aliquam ullamcorper eros posuere eros semper, sit amet luctus elit maximus. Vestibulum vel nunc elit.

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Başkent University Konya Hospital participated as a guest in the 20th Interactive Pediatrics Congress held in Tangier, Morocco on 01-03 September 2023. At the congress, our hospital's International Patient Coordinator Ercan Zeki Gedik and Pediatrics Cardiology Clinic responsible represented by Dr. Mahmut Gökdemir.


Pediatric Cardiology Medicine Symposium of Baghdad Ibn-i El Beldi Hospital.

Başkent University Konya Application and Research Center participated in the Pediatric Cardiology Medicine Symposium of Baghdad Ibn-i El Beldi Hospital.


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Mr. Namr Mohammed Abdurahman, visited Konya with a delegation consisting of businessmen accompanying him.

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Her family did not give up her struggle for life, from little Atlas

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Domıno Liver Transplant

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Konya Başkent Hospital International Patient Department Meets With Iraq Academics

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Başkent University Konya Application and Research Center Take Strategic Steps in Health Tourism

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The Address Of Health Was Again Konya Başkent Hospital

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