Interventional Radiology Center
Başkent University Radiology Department was established in 1993 with the founding of the Faculty of Medicine of the University. Our department is responsible for provision of radiological services in different departments of Başkent University Hospitals, training of medical students and radiology residents and conduction of scientific research. Following establishment in 1993, department has reached modern equipment in 1995 and completed the infrastructure and has been providing service at the highest standard ever since.
Eighteen faculty members and radiology specialists are currently working at Başkent University Ankara Hospital. There are 9 professors, 4 assistant professors, and 5 specialists. There are currently 5 residents continuing their education. By 2018, 68 residents have completed their training at our department. We provide medical services in the fields of interventional radiology, neuroradiology, body imaging (abdomen, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular imaging), breast imaging, bone densitometry, Doppler ultrasonography, ultrasonography and direct x-ray. Services, research activities and training processes in this frame are carried out with state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, angiography, colored Doppler ultrasonography mammography, digital x-ray and digital fluoroscopy devices.
Training and health service studies in this field are given with; two 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance devices (Siemens Avanto, Siemens Symphony), two multislice computed tomography devices (Siemens Force 384 detector; Siemens Go.All 64 detector), 2 peripheral angiography (DSA) devices, 7 ultrasonography and color Doppler ultrasonography devices, and 30 digital radiographs (DR) and computerized x-ray equipment (CR), portable x-rays, fluoroscopy and C-arm scoped devices. In addition, there is a digital mammography device with tomosynthesis feature and a bone densitometry device with digital and analog features. Besides advanced diagnostic imaging, our department has proven to be a distinguished Interventional Radiology center. Interventional Radiology is a branch of radiology that provides diagnosis of diseases and treatment without surgery with the guidance of the modern technology imaging equipment. Most commonly procedure is done via a needle with utilizing millimetric sized materials. Interventional radiology procedures are alternative to surgery, and completely different materials and methods from surgery are used. Many vascular and non-vascular interventions are performed in the department. Diagnostic and treatment procedures are performed in all vascular problems except the heart (narrowing, obstruction, abnormal vascularity, aneurysm, bleeding, varicosities, some tumors, dialysis fistulas). Biopsy procedures from almost all organs and masses, drainage of body fluids and abscesses, treatment of cysts, cauterization of the tumors with needle, interventions of urinary tract and bile duct obstructions are commonly conducted with high success rates. Studies for early diagnosis and treatment planning of breast diseases, especially breast cancer are carried out in breast imaging unit with digital mammography with tomosynthesis feature, ultrasound with elastography and color Doppler ultrasound devices. In necessary cases breast MRI is applied for advanced imaging testing and in some cases, biopsies are taken with the guidance of ultrasonography or mammography. Wire-Guided Lumpectomy is also performed in collaboration with General Surgery Department, whenever required.