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Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

What are some bladder management points to remember if I have multiple sclerosis (MS)?

Adequate fluid intake is 1½-2 quarts of fluid a day. The urge to urinate comes about 1½ -2 hours after drinking something.

Caffeine, aspartame, and alcohol are all bladder irritants.

Smoking also is irritating to the bladder.

Limiting fluid is harmful.

It is not normal to leak urine, wake up more than once at night to urinate, or to have frequent urinary tract infections.

Bladder infections in people with MS may result in an increase in MS symptoms, spasticity, and fatigue.


Plan of action

Drink fluids all at once (drink 6 to 8 ounces at a time). If you sip, sip, sip you will feel the urge to urinate frequently. Try to go about 1½ to 2 hours after you drink.

Stop drinking fluids about 2 hours before bedtime; urinate right before bedtime.

If you tend to get frequent bladder infections you are probably not emptying your bladder completely.

Taking cranberry pills may keep your urine more acidic and decrease the bacteria in your urine.


What are some bowel management points to remember if I have multiple sclerosis?

The goal is a comfortable bowel movement (BM) either every day, every other day, or every 2 to 3 days. For regular bowel movements you need fluid (1½ to 2 quarts a day), fiber (20 to 30 grams a day) and activity.

One-third of a cup of Fiber One®, All-Bran® or 100% Bran Buds® gives you half the fiber you need for the day.

Greasy foods, spicy foods, or food intolerances (for example, lactose intolerance) may cause loose stool and may result in involuntary bowel movements.


Plan of action

Eat regularly for regular bowel habits. Plan for a bowel movement each day about ½ hour after eating or drinking something warm (bowel activity is naturally increased at this time). Sit on the toilet about 10 minutes, and try to have a BM. You may want to gently rock back and forth on the toilet. If nothing happens, leave the bathroom and try again later.

Use a suppository to help stimulate bowel activity. (It takes about 20 minutes for a suppository to work.) Occasionally, it might help to take milk of magnesia or citrate of magnesia to stimulate bowel activity.

It may take two to three months to establish a regular bowel regimen.

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